The Wendy James


Yes! I have finished recording my new double album, 20 songs strong, ‘Queen High Straight’. You all know it took me a year and two months to write and now another year to record. It’s been a long process because simply so many variables have to fall into time together: the engineers schedule, the recording studio availability and schedule, the musicians schedule, in this case I have had to raise the budget myself and that is not always readily available! but I have to say, having recorded in increments: bass, drums and scratch vocals/guitar to begin with, then my real singing and my real guitar playing, then the additional rhythm guitar and piano, then the horn section, accordion and lead guitar overdubs, then the percussion and finally the backing vocals, sung by me. Because each recording session had a few weeks in-between each of them I had the very necessary time to maintain objectivity each time and thus make all the correct and clear-headed/clear-eared decisions for production ideas and requirements! My musicians are some of the very best musicians alive today! James Sclavunos on Drums and Percussion, Harry Bohay Nowell on Bass (he is now replaced by Leo Kurunis), James Sedwards on Rhythm Guitar (along side me) and on Lead Guitar, Alex J. Ward on Alto Sax, Terry Edwards on Tenor & Baritone Sax, Trumpet, Cornet and Flugelhorn and Louis Vause on Accordion. I’ve been enabled along the way by the engineering skills of Ian Dowling, Joe Sage and Al Lawson and it’s been an intense body of work to complete! But complete it is and now my attention turns to THE MIX. I am looking, once again, at engineers, schedules, studios and prices! I aim to do the final mix in July/August ending with the mastering of the record… so I am into the last two stages now! 

You may now hear a small selection of preview reference mixes on the Queen High Straight page real-player: click here:

(or alternatively at my soundcloud page: click here)

And please go ahead and pre-order your copy of  QUEEN HIGH STRAIGHT from my web store click here

Thank you so much for all your love, solidarity, enthusiasm and encouragement! 


Wendy James 03/06/19