The Wendy James

New Wendy James Interviews! Signed Vinyl and CD Update!!

Hi Everyone…

 Two wonderful press articles, from Flaunt Magazine and AnOther Magazine respectively.Discovering some of Wendy’s thoughts on the making of THE PRICE OF THE TICKET, her life making music and records and other shared observations!



There are new Live Dates being booked and To Be Announced, once more for the UK, but this time also Europe. And a pressing of a new 7” Vinyl Double-A side featuring tracks ‘YOU’RE A DIRTBOMB, LESTER’ and ‘FAREWELL TO LOVE’. Both Album tracks, and will include unseen artwork and content, and both tracks having proven favorites at Wendy’s Live Shows!

So! If you’ve not already got yourself a copy of THE PRICE OF THE TICKET, starring Wendy James, Lenny Kaye (Patti Smith Group), Glen Matlock (Sex Pistols), James Sclavunos (Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds), James Williamson (Stooges) and Steve Mackay (Stooges), on Vinyl, CD and Download then do so now! It is surely one of the best albums of 2016 and truly an all-star line-up!

 Click HERE for a signed copy of The Price Of The Ticket.