Dear Everyone…
I would like to wish you all a ‘Very Merry Christmas’ and ‘Happy Holidays!’
I hope you are with the people you love and who love you!
If you prefer to be alone, then I hope you’re having a really good time doing what you choose!
– However you decide to spend these last couple of weeks of 2021 and wherever you are…
I send my fondest love and all my thanks for sharing this year with me!
To all of you who came out to my tour! I loved playing for you, I loved meeting so many of you! It was a fantastic time for all of us!
To all of you, not in the UK Mainland where the tour happened, well: I guess I need to start playing shows farther afield and seeing all of you! News to come!
Album 10 will start recording in 2022! So, I look forward to meeting all of you who’ve booked a day as a VIP in the recording studio with me! Details to come! If you like the idea of this, then https://thewendyjames.com/product/the-wendy-james-album-10-vip-studio-visit/ for the pass!
Remember my storewide sale is in effect until Midnight GM time December 31st, so get your 15% reduction of everything there… keep going until you’ve got ALL the music! ALL the t-shirts! ALL the posters! ALL the hoodies! ALL preorders for ALBUM 10 and so much more! https://thewendyjames.com/store
Code at checkout: DecemberSale15
I love you all so much!
Thank you for a wonderful time this year
Take care of yourselves and have the best time!
Wendy xoxoxo